Floral Study $440


Kelly Rivera

"I use art as a means to access a world that is unusually unseen. I never know in advance what image or symbol is going to arise in a painting, and I never plan for a particular meaning in advance. For me, art is a process like prayer or meditation that brings me to voyage in a realm of subtle perceptions and events. I Cannot perform this process as an ego, so I use all my skills to move beyond my limitations as an observer, and a crafter. In its purest form, this work is not only my source of inspiration but also a spiritual nourishment, a radiating center around which all else in my life revolves."

Kelly was born in Puerto Rico and raised in Maryland and New York City.

Canvases For Sale & Portfolio of work available for posters

Dancing Couple $ 435

Floral Symphony $ 880

Clematis $ 220

Death In The Garden $ 2300

The Embrace $ 2200

Quite Spot $220

 Artists Portfolios

Artists, Poster Art, Portfolios

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